Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Artifacts: Motherboard Redux-Fan Fiction 2

One more piece of fan fiction for this setting.


          It felt odd.  Zepher ZB3, Pieces of Eight's best runner, trudging along the slower public access circuit under armed escort.  The eight bits in his memory lock comprised a Beta Z9 string worth 6300 charge.  Not only the most expensive string in five mega-cycles, but the most expensive ever handled by the company.  Costs for the transaction, including Neutronian tips, the buy price, paying off other companies to shut out other buyers, and the Power Play guards was at least 4000 charge.  But at the end of the circuit, at the output tower, was a projected 2300 charge of pure profit!

          "How you doin,' little buddy?" said Power Play captain Soloman SR10, "Nerves ain't getting to ya, are they?"

          "I'd feel a lot better, if there was a backup plan."

          Casually, Sol remarked, "If it gets too hot for us to handle, you just get to a junction and take-off on an output wire."

          Zepher wasn't impressed by the Protonian's "run like hell" tactics.  However, he did feel safer, surrounded by four guards and four more scouting their front and rear.  Even his memory lock had been affixed to his body in such a way that his arms would have to be removed before it would come off without the proper codes.  Zepher hoped it wouldn't come to that.

          A low rumbling reverberated along the circuit tunnel.  The sound became louder and Soloman brought the column to a halt.  Shaking into pieces, the circuit walls on either side crumbled to reveal four large Protonians.

          (Shoot first, ask questions later.)  The hiss and pop of Power Play's mass drives exploded the attackers.  Suddenly, Zepher realized the rumbling wasn't coming from the Protonians.  A familiar sounding crackling thunderstorm was coming from the output circuit running parallel to their own.

          Eight or more Electronians leapt through the fissure in the output circuit wall.  The raiders' shock rods reduced the four rear guards to burning embers.  The messenger group was quickly encircled.

          "Looks like it's time for Plan B!" yelled Sol.

          "Yeah," Zepher nodded.

          The guards moved in mass towards the fissure.  Under the Protonian's concentrated fire, the Electronian ring cracked.  Zepher jumped through the crack.  A slick, smooth surface for high- speed travel, he fell, rear first, onto the output circuit.  Another Electronian stood on the track in front of Zepher.  Recovering quickly, he charged.  With the sound of a sonic boom and the eruption of a volcanno, the circuit was torn apart.   Blown backward, Zepher went back through the hole.

          Power Play was still holding out.  "There's a circuit breaker in the tunnel and not enough time to get back to the buffer!"  Sol was about to reply by Zepher, when an explosion rocked them all.  The circuit breaker had snapped their line.  Seizing the advantage, the Electronians made quick work of the guards.  Alone, Sol prepared to defend the messenger, "Better take off!" Zepher had already made up his mind to make his stand with the captain, but instead found himself being tossed out the grid-side crack.

          The tunnel echoed thunder.  On the grid, Zepher was then struck to the ground by a nerve-breaking headache.  He looked up.  (Neutronian!)  Already, the Micronian was reaching for the memory lock.  Putting his hand to his attacker's face, Zepher delivered a large shock to the Neutronian.  As he fell backwards, several raiders came out of the tunnel.  Zepher sped off along the grid.  Two M Metrons away west was a cluster local circuit to the tower.  Twenty C Cylces until the string was due.  Several attackers and wild grid bugs in his way, Zepher poured it on.  (Some workout!)

(Hey, that was actually somewhat exciting.  I should have finished this at the time when I actually knew the setting better.)

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