Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Endless Night: The Sun Room

A Fantasy Core Adventure
© Jerry Harris 2014
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Index.)

The Sun Room

Description: This is a plant-filled terrarium.  The dome overhead is clear and filled with bright sunlight.  This room is bigger than it seems from the outside or on the map, about four times the size.  There is a path leading from the door.   

Status: The glass door to the room is locked.  The lock has a Leaf symbol on it.  The plants and sunlight inside can clearly be seen.  There’s no way in without using that key on the lock.  The Leaf Key is in the Library.

Inhabitants: A couple of dangerous gardeners, a flock of Vampire Songbirds, and three dangerous plant forms of Nova Creighton.

Objective: Find Elf Duke Torren’s invitation to the Elf party in the Saloon.  His magical cloak and a valuable Crystal Rose are also there.  One of the plants inside can be used for healing.  Award 2 XP for this encounter.

Carter’s Introduction: “Meow.  Nova Creighton loved her garden.  When she died, her body was mulched and spread all over the plants.  Now she’s part of the garden.  Meow.”

Upon entering the party will hear pleasant sound of songbirds, though they don’t see any birds.  There are a couple of male-looking laborers wearing broad brimmed hats (one in red, one in blue) working the soil.  They notice the characters and suddenly run off.  Red Hat runs into the dense foliage and disappears.  Blue Hat takes off down the path. 

Tree Encounter
The Red Hat Gardener is a DC 12 Tracking skill to find.  If there isn’t a tracker in the group, the group hears the sound of two songbirds, Vampire Songbirds.  DC 12 Will Sv or enraptured for 2 rds, then the birds attack, preferring anyone who’s stunned. 

If tracked, or after defeating the songbirds, the group hears and sees two Songbirds in a large tree with Red Hat Gardener hiding behind it.  There’s also a patch of glowing mushrooms around the tree.  The birds will attack with their song again, while the Gardner staggers out and collapses in front of the group.  If examined, he explodes into the Centipede Swarm.  Suddenly, the large tree turns around, revealing an old woman’s face in the bark, “Ah, fresh fertilizer.” And Nova-Treebeard attacks as well. 

After defeating these creatures, Carter appears.  Depending on how the players attack these encounters, he’ll tell them how many forms of Nova are left, or that they’ve finished her off (the Grandfather clock tolls in the distance).  He also motions to the glowing mushrooms and tells them that they have some minor healing properties (8 mushrooms, 1d10 hp healed, can only take 1 per turn without getting sick for 1 turn and all stats and skills go to 0).     

Vampire Songbird (2 at tree, 2 wandering)
HD ½, Hp 2, AC 16 (natural), Enhanced Init +3
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +0
Melee: Attach +4 to hit, next rd drains 1d8 hp in blood, it is helpless while attached, causes 1d4 damage to remove
Ranged: Charm Song DC 12 Will Sv or paralyzed 2 rds.
Can Fly

Red Hat Gardner (Minor Centipede Swarm)
HD 4, Hp 16, AC 18 vs physical attack, AC 12 vs fire (natural)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Melee: Swarm +4 to hit 1d6 + Poison DC 12 Fort Sv or incapacitated 1 turn, anyone swarmed is covered by the swarm and can no longer defend themselves, taking 1d6 damage each rd.  Attacks against the swarm do ½ damage to the person covered.  A successful fire attack will cause the swarm to scatter if it fails a DC 12 Will Sv.

Nova-Tree Form (Minor Treant)
HD 7, Hp 28 AC 18 vs physical attacks, AC 12 vs fire (natural)
Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +5
Melee: Slam +10 to hit 2d6

Nova Treant is vulnerable to fire.  Any successful fire attack requires a DC 18 Fort Sv or she has caught on fire, taking 1d6 damage the first rd, 2d6 the next, 3d6 every rd thereafter.  However, Nova keeps fighting.  Add 1d6 fire damage to her attacks and causes an additional 1d6/rd until extinguished.

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