Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Fantasy Ireland Adventure: Keeper Hill-Billy’s Townhouse/Town Hall/Pitch

A Fantasy Core and D&D 5th Edition Fantasy Ireland Adventure
© Jerry Harris 2016
(This link will take you to the Fantasy Core Playtest Rules.)

Billy’s Townhouse
2) This was the Mayor’s home when it was a Dwarf colony.  Billy has made it his own.  It’s actually fairly nice and normally kept clean.  It’s upholstered in various fur rugs and decent furniture (stolen from humans).  Billy keeps a fully stocked liquor cabinet (also stolen from humans and dwarves).  There’s even some taxidermy on the walls with mounted heads of Humanoids, humans, Dwarves, and Elves.  The Characters should feel very at home.  Currently, the place is a bit disheveled, as Mara ransacked it looking for Nim’s locket (which she found).

Billy will desperately want to check out his townhouse to see if the locket has indeed been stolen (though the rest of the contents of his magically locked treasure chest have been left spilled out on the floor: 50 gp and 100 sp).  On the way to see about the delegates, he may suggest going off on his own to “flank” the potential enemy.  He’ll do so, but after he’s checked out his home (so he’ll rejoin the group in 5 rds).  Billy will take a moment to collect 4 vials of his “insurance policy” against Sid the Troll, one of the delegates and his arch-enemy. Each vial is filled with a very potent acid, which causes 10 damage + stun 1 rd, 5 damage on a splash miss.  It should be noted that this acid will cause permanent damage to the Troll. 

Or, if splitting the party isn’t a popular idea, Billy could insist on visiting his townhouse with the Characters before or after checking on the delegates.  He’ll tell them to wait outside.  After a minute, they’ll hear him scream, “Nooo!  Where is it!  Where is it!”  He’ll return outside (with the acid) and refuse to answer any questions.

Town Hall
3) At least it was a town hall when the hill was in Dwarvish hands.  This is where Billy was holding the feast for his invited delegates before the undead attack.  There are low tables, floor cushions, and random bits of spoiled food and bad drink scattered around the pillared chamber.  In the panicked rush of the attack, Billy left his prize Black Mirror behind.  The Elves will detect it on their way to find Apollos and will attempt to retrieve it. 

What happens depends on who’s around.  If Billy’s by himself, he’ll see them, take note of it, but won’t engage them at this point.  If he’s with the Character group, Billy will want to attack, assuming anyone with him will back him up.  The Characters might be better served in trying to stop the fight (again 1 XP or Inspiration for keeping the peace).  The Elves will still feel their previous deal is in force and that they are entitled to get back their centaur, if not help in doing so.  Billy wants that mirror back or at least something equivalent to it.  The Elves aren’t willing to fight over it (at this point they’re definitely not doing any more favors for Lady Nim).  Perhaps some trade or service could be brokered.  (Perhaps the Elves may offer to use their Crystal Ball to help find Billy’s locket.)

Alternately, you may wish to have the group run back into the Elves later, when they get to the Security Station.    

Pitch/Garbage Dump
4) This cavern was turned to a small sports field, a pitch, for Dwarvish Rules Football and Dwarvish Hurling (played with axes instead of clubs).  There are even stone bleachers and a small ticket office at the entrance.  Unfortunately, as the Elvish siege continued this area became the unofficial garbage dump.  The Goblins have unfortunately continued that tradition.

There is a set of magical lights overhead to keep things growing, though they are currently flickering and subject to blackouts.  If you can believe it, there was also a working sprinkler system installed in the ceiling to keep the grass fresh.  Of course, it’s ruined now, but seasonal rainstorms filter their way inside down to the field, making the muddy puddles here the only source of water on this level (though the Goblins prefer to use the tanks below). 

The only other “good” thing about this chamber is that given the size and amount of garbage, the Pitch is a good hiding place for the Characters.  Of course, the downside of garbage and rain is a nasty population of vermin.  A few Giant Rats will be brave enough to attack the party, if they think their guard is down.   

Giant Rat (FC) (x6)
HD ½, Hp 2, AC 12 (Natural)
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0
Melee: Bite +0 to hit 1d3

Giant Rat (5e) (x4)
HD 2d6, Hp 7, AC 12 (Natural)
Str −2, Dex +2, Con +0, Int −4, Wis +0, Cha −3
Darkvision 60 ft.
Keen Smell: The rat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Passive Perception 10
Pack Tactics: The rat has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the rat’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Melee: Bite +4 to hit 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing

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