Monday, March 25, 2013

Fantasy Core Ireland Setting--History Part 1

(c) Jerry Harris, 2012
Published here as Open Game Content.


Ireland’s mythic history is one of successive invasions. The Partholonians and the Fomorians were first arrivals after the Biblical Flood. Little is known of the Partholonians, but they left behind large prehistoric burial mounds (which would later be used for that purpose by other races as well). The Fomorians are monsters and goblins and would be a thorn in the side of all future inhabitants. (The proper mythic definition of these creatures involves fairly specific deformities, but for game purposes, any weird creature or humanoid fits.) Both sides warred, but it was a plague that wiped out the Partholonians, but for one, Tuan Mac Sdairn.

Next came the Nemedians. These were perhaps a shared common ancestor of all demi-humans and humans. Their arrival was met by the Fomorians, who crushed them and virtually enslaved the survivors. The people would eventually escape and flee the island. Their descendants would not forget their treatment at the hands of these monsters.

The Fir Bolg were the first of these descendants to return. Here I will refer to them as dwarves (though the proper mythology does not). They defeated (but did not destroy) the Fomorians. The dwarves divided the land into five provinces (which are still observed today) and built large fortresses.

The Tuatha De Danann came next. These are the elves and other sylvan creatures, to be collectively called the Fey, beings of magic. They brought with them several powerful magical items as well. At the first battle of Mag Tured, the dwarves were defeated and surrendered much of the land to the elves. They eventually retreated into their own kingdom in the Underworld.

After being forced out of kingship of the Fey, the elf, Bres (the first drow), rallied the Fomorians to war. At the second battle of Mag Tured, the elves destroyed the monsters and cursed the remainder into hiding in the Underworld. There, the Fomorians can only bide their time in dark, unable to live in the light anymore. They are numerous and come forth for the occasional raid or scheme, but will need powerful allies if they are ever going to be a force on the surface again.

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